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Backend And fastn

Along with building frontends fastn can be used for building dynamic websites as well. With features already built and planned fastn aspires to be a full stack framework.

Integration With Existing Backend

If a backend APIs are already available, you can interact with them, and include the API responses and create dynamic web pages. Checkout the http processor about how to do this.

fastn also has support for endpoint definitions, which allows frontend code to communicate with existing APIs without worrying about cross origin policies and exposing a unified domain. Read about it in the endpoint guide.

Dynamic URLs

fastn by default generates URLs of your webpages based on the file path, but you can define dynamic URLs to create beautiful URLs independent of file organisation, or to create documents that is served when any URLs matching some pattern is accessed.

Read more about it in our Dynamic URLs Guide.

HTTP Request Data

When rendering any fastn document you can use request data processor to extract request data like URL, query parameter etc, and use it with your APIs or queries.

Read more about Request Data Processor.

SQLite Data

fastn can be used to query data from sqlite database to generate dynamic websites.

Read more about our package query processor.

Reading JSON

fastn can also read data in JSON files that are part of your package to help you create data visualisation websites.

Read more about reading JSON.


  • Get Started with fastn: We provide a step-by-step guide to help you build your first fastn-powered website. You can also install fastn and learn to build UI Components using fastn.

  • Frontend with fastn: fastn is a versatile and user-friendly solution for all your frontend development needs.

  • Read the docs: Our docs is the go-to resource for mastering fastn. It provides valuable resources from in-depth explanations to best practices.

  • Web Designing with fastn: Check out our design features to see how we can enhance your web development process.